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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Further contemplation on the odu Iwori Ogunda

I looked for god in books
But did not find it
I looked for god in people
But it was not there
I looked for god in stones
But they lay motionless
I looked for god in ceremonies 
But I could not see it
God eluded me
At every turn lay another
Dead end
Another unfulfilled 
Empty and without 
I sat alone
To watch the setting sun
Waiting for the darkness
To envelope me
As I looked into the universe 
Darkness gave way to a
Sea of sparkling lights
Dancing across the sky
It was only then
Confronted with the 
Insignificance of my existence 
That I was able to
Find God
It did not give me meaning
Or show my superiority 
Those are a fool’s vanity
I was left with a feeling of wonder 
Bathing in the sheer
Of the infinite 
This is the
God is not a being
But the fact that we exist at all
In a universe of infinite possibility
I am in awe 
That I am
That you are too
Is truly

Inspired by Max Richter's "on the nature of daylight" I recommend listening to the whole song. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Contemplation on the Odu Iwori Obara

I can not
See you anymore
But I can
Still draw your heart
From memory
Lines on a page
Form shapes that
Remind me of you
Thoughts float
Off sheets of paper
Sticking to the inside of
My eyes
So that every time I
Close them
The essence of you
Becomes the
Backdrop of my

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Contemplation on the odu Okanran Oshe ( Okana she )

It is the burden of
Working for another
To Carry the weight
Of their insecurities
Always at the mercy
Of shifting emotions
A benevolent dictatorship
Painted with a subtle
Veneer of democracy
Slowly but surely
Subduing all dissent
Leading to conformity
In thought and finally
Excited workers become
Sycophantic drones
Quelling even the most
Creative minds until
The next crop of bees
Has entered the fold
And the cycle begins

Written while listening to: Pastoral by Christian Löffler 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Contemplation on the Odu Odi Owonrin (Odi Ojuani)

It’s late
The sun has set
Wind whistles through the trees
As I ready myself for the long road ahead
Tonight I travel to distant stars
Hat and scarf in hand
Satchel on my hip
I center myself
Before setting out
In search of
Is it all a beautiful dream
Or did I just read it in the pages
Of someone else's
It's no matter
The memories exist
Tattooed on my beating heart
Visions coursing through my veins
One experience after another
Ever expanding
In search of
To fill with
New ink
New stories

To read while listening to

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Contemplation on the Odu Irete Osa

Events are almost never
Black and white
The more people you ask
The more versions of
What happened
You hear
Our brains can't help but filter everything
Through the sunglasses of our past
It's our super power and our disability
The trick is knowing which it is
In any given moment
In any given situation
Don't be a slave to your past
Try always to be a master of your future
Seeing things
Not for what they
Might be
But instead for what they

Friday, December 9, 2022

Contemplation on the Odu Iwori Oyekun

I have a message for you
Said the Wind to the bird
Let me whisper it in your ear
I am the breeze
Teaching you to fly
I am the gale
Steering you off course
I am the storm
Challenging you to stay aloft
I am the stillness
Giving you rest
I am the teacher
A harbinger of yesterday
A historian of tomorrow
I belong to no one
But leave you with this
Thoughts become
Words become
Actions change the
Give flight to revolution
It is the only way to fly

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Contemplation on the odu Irete Odi

We are all broken
In some way
Sometimes shattered
It is Part of the
Human condition
Easily overlooked
In our quest for
Only when we accept this
Can we begin to pick up the
Broken pieces
Restoring the vessel of our
So we might let our cups
Spill over with